The Phantom menace

slick by Halloween Jack
A photo of a Stikfas Alpha Male Phantom by Halloween Jack. (Creative Commons-licensed.)

Toy links

Kasuka-Beat customs.
Incredible repaints of Gundam and Zoids figures.

Microbry’s Micro Sister has taken over the Zoids Panzertier Golem.

Sam’s Toybox.
Sam Cancilla’s collection of old toys. There are some toys there we’ve never heard or seen before. Who knew kids in the Seventies could program cars or make their own roto-cast models?

Jeff’s Robots.
Toy robots, robot art and movie robots.

Conceptopolis’ Aaron Hubrich interviewed. [via]
Conceptopolis is producing the Larry Hama-written comics for the upcoming G.I. Joe Comic Packs.

“Why aren’t G.I. Joes bigger?”
“Why don’t the Wal-Marts in my area carry G.I. Joes? Hell, why does the Toys R Us in my area not even have hooks for the single cards?”

Einstein, you blockhead

Lego Einstein by Sappymoosetree
Sappymoosetree‘s photo of the Einstein Lego creation at Legoland in Carlsbad, California. (Creative Commons-licensed.)

In Optimus Prime We Trust

Optimus Prime is art.

Optimus Prime is art.

Optimus Prime is art.

Optimus Prime is art.

Optimus Prime is art.

Optimus Prime is art.

Optimus Prime is hawt.
Wait, what?