Wacky toys

Fanmode earlier linked to a Cracked article titled the 25 Most Baffling Toys From Around the World which is now making the rounds. (Here’s another take on the same theme.) We thought, however, we could top those with some of the figures we’ve encountered over the years.

Should we expect Hindenburg-Tron soon?

Mutant doll.
Barbie and the Abominable Snowman got together one night …

The Avenging Unicorn.
A mime is a terrible thing to waste.

Poo-Pooing rabbit.
“Rabbits are cute.
When they’re running and hopping.
And now here’s a way
You can eat what they’re dropping!”

(Scroll way down.) This one is a Kotobukiya gashapon figure based on a videogame boss and is Not Safe For Work because you would most definitely get some Really Strange Looks from co-workers if you had it on your screen. Mara is Japanese for “Mr Happy” so you can probably guess what it is. But then it’s so screwy you may not. It’s like a Gamma-irradiated Mr Happy that has undergone a secondary mutation.

“Attack and wipe out the fighter plane.”
A NASA space shuttle that transforms into a robot (with a Voltron head, hands and feet) combines with Transformers Combaticons and includes a Power Ranger. Can one toy truly be so completely awesome? (Answer: no.)

Dog Toy.
Dog Toy, Mara. Mara, Dog Toy.

What toys would make your list?