Toy links

That’s Combattler!
Kaneda’s Japanese archive of Combattler V toys.

Joe Customs customizing guide.
Articles on painting, modding and casting custom parts.

A fan-created My Little Pony character by hibbary.

Revoltech Macross Valkyrie Max (movie version).
SR../Blood Zwei used a Revoltech VF-1A head and a VF-1S body for this custom repaint.

The winged wolf.
A very cool photo of Bandai’s Garo Tsubasabito figure from the Fanged Wolf Garo series.

Ach, Yda and Schmetterling.
Choco and Chibisuke Machine, the designers of Busou Shinki‘s wave seven figures, have received samples. (Choco even shows off a scooter creation comprising parts from both Ach and Yda.) The figures are due to be released on November 29.