
Santa Gnome by So It's Come To This:
A photo by So It’s Come To This:. (Creative Commons-licensed.)

In Optimus Prime We Trust

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Optimus Prime is studly.

Retro robo

Robo Mecha by JOE WU
A photo by JOE WU. (Creative Commons-licensed.)

Toy links

Digirama by Tamaki’s Little Treasure starring the Kaiyodo Revoltech figure.

Acroyear MagneVoltech.
A Microman custom by misodrill.

Click on the thumbnailed image for an amusing anti-littering message starring Microman Material Force figures.

“Merry Christmacross.”
A SDF-1 Lego custom.

A Stormtrooper Christmas.
First, decorate the tree. Then, watch The Star Wars Holiday Special.