Toy links

The Duck Show.
“Duck Show combines my two favorite hobbies: photography and collecting rubber ducks. Hopefully anyone who visits Duck Show will chuckle, giggle, snicker, chortle, guffaw, have hysterics, fall down laughing, double up, or just smile.”

“The mission of Joepedia is to record and categorize everything about G.I. Joe, from the classic 12” series to the Real American Hero line.”

Standing out among the crowd.
TK-182 discovers accessories make the man.

Girls and Dolls.
“This cabbage patch is exclusive to our store here. Mother Cabbage is about to give birth. I’m dilating Mother Cabbage now, and she’ll be dilated for ten full cabbage leaves. Push, Mother Cabbage, push!”

The older Japanese toy market.
“According to the Japan Toy Association, the size of the domestic toy market was 640 billion yen in fiscal 2006, down 10.3 percent compared to five years earlier.”