Toy links
A fantastic robot Lego MOC by nissen. (Be sure to the Spider-Man and Batman variants, too.)
One suspects this Lego MOC by snyderman might bring something considerably larger than a dead mouse into the house.
NeoZeRo35’s Classic Jazz custom.
“I sculpted over Prowl’s head, filled in the hole in his chest/hood, cut out the windows, and then finished with painting.”
Sixth scale Shipwreck.
An excellent 1/6-scale custom GI Joe figure by Alexander.
Retro Roboto.
Crisco used a Tomy ZKnights CPU figure as a base for this Masters of the Universe-inspired custom figure. (Check out Roboto customs by Madtinker76 and windblock2002, too.)
“Can you break a twenty?”
An amusing photo by Liz Page of a tin robot’s night out. (More from this series.)
Time Travellers.
A group shot of the classic Micronauts figures.
Another excellent blacklit Zoids photo by greefus groinks.
Indiana Jones, chibi-style.
The Mola Ram figure from this Kotobukiya series of trading figures is especially jarring.
Toy Box Leadership.
“The Slinky Dog, for example, only moves in a certain direction when the head of the metal coils leads it. It’s the same with leaders, the book states. ‘Leaders do not send their people out where they are not willing to go.'”