Toy links

Ms. Jazz.
An action figure inspired by the Transformers character.

My Little Vader.
Another excellent My Little Pony custom by Mari Kasurinen. (See also.)

“Hey, the Care Bears have somebody for everyone else, right? So they send in Special Agent DeceptiBear for poor, stressed, un-caring Decepticons.”

Nice ass.
A Lego MOC of a Shrek character.

The Fly.
A portrait of a Baxter Stockman figure from the Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line.

Dino-Riders 2008.
Boskoes is working on Marvel Legends-style custom figures based on the Tyco toy line.

R2-D2, where are you?
Andy C’s Artoo is going places.

Flame on.
A very nice photo of a plastic army man at work.

Hey, two can play.
Soundwave and Blaster cosplay at BotCon 2008.

Toy store closes.
“One thing I have learned in my 35 years in the business is that it doesn’t matter if you are a 21st century child or one from 50 years ago, kids all love simple things like marbles, spinning tops, balls and games like Snakes & Ladders …”