Toy links

Empress Flame.
A Lego MOC inspired by Five Star Stories.

“I had an idea about redoing old comic covers with Minimates. This is a recreation of The Incredible Hulk #181, first appearance of Wolverine.”

A multi-vehicle Assemble Borg combining fanmode by moromisox. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Astral Armour Professor X.
This glennwebman69 custom will blow your mind. (See also.)

Kamen Rider Sasword.
It’s good to see Killing Monkey is still coming up with fantastic S.I.C.-style customs.

Balder the Brave.
A custom from the pages of The Mighty Thor.

The Onion reviews Toy Monster.
“… clearly a hatchet job that favors some targets over others.”

Designing dolls.
“Perceived value sells! Don’t skimp on the quality of materials that you use.”