Toy links

Freedom’s Angel.
Scroll down for an outstanding custom by Gullwing combining Busou Shinki Angel Arnval and the Master Grade Freedom Gundam kit.

Lieam, Saxon and Kenzie.
Cool customs based on David Petersen’s Mouse Guard.

“This is my 3rd attempt at the character, Savage Dragon base, some sculpting and Spawn Wings …”

Barrels Spider.
An Assemble Borg fanmode. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Optimus Prime can do.
R2-D2, too. (Related.)

Vroom vroom.
A cool shot of the Movie Realization Batman and Batpod set. (Related.)

Good for health, bad for education.
A photo by Ice Foxx.

misodrill used Acromuzan as a base for this Microman custom.

Cyborg evolution.
“Over the few years it was available Henshin Cyborg went through a number of changes.”

Customiser advantages.
“… there are areas in which we can surpass official minimates by stepping outside of the restrictions that DST faces.”