Toy links

The InhumanoidsThe Inhumanoids.
Redesigns by Doug Williams.

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Toy links

Evil Eye of EterniaEvil Eye of Eternia.
A photo by Jason Jerde.

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Toy links

G.I. Joe at the moviesG.I. Joe at the movies.
1337W422102 has some amusing G.I. Joe movie crossovers.

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Toy links

The MercenautThe Mercenaut.
“… I specifically wanted to build a poseable figure without altering, cutting, glueing or painting any of the original pieces so that anyone else could easily build it if they wanted to.”

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Toy links

Classics ShockwaveClassics Shockwave. [via]
A G1-style custom by Randall Lilly. (More.)

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Toy links

A Lego MOC by Jordan Schwartz.

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Toy links

Mmm, StormtroopersMmm, Stormtroopers.
A photo by smartlego.

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