Toy links

Some assembly requiredSome assembly required.
“He became so upset that he started breaking the pieces apart. She wept in frustration.”

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Toy links

Mani Zamani's Wooden QueenMani Zamani’s Wooden Queen. [via]
“… my first attempt toward creating an action figure based on one of my characters with the use of wood.”


Toy links

Great BS Robo and Lightning ZanbaGreat BS Robo and Lightning Zanba.
Assemble Borg fanmodes by Mr. P. (Click on the images for a better look.)

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Toy links

Garbage Pail BeastmanGarbage Pail Beastman.
“The acrylic painting above is Beastman done in the style of Garbage Pail Kids …”

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Toy links

“My forearm tattoos …”

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