Toy links

Tengen Toppa Lego Lagann.
A typically awesome Johnny Tang creation.

Brainstorm ver. 2009.
A neat Transformers Headmasters custom. (Click on the image for a better look.)

You have 20 seconds to comply.
A cool ED-209-inspired Assemble Borg fanmode comprising parts from two Barrels Speeder sets, Mr. Assemble and parts from the Revoltech GR-2 figure. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Assemble Saurus.
A fantastic Zoids-ish Assemble Borg recipe from the designers.

Times are tough.
And job opportunities for Evil Lord of Destruction are few.

Mistresses of the Universe.
Cosplay at New York Comic Con 2009.

Cosplay at New York Comic Con 2009.

A diorama by David Julian.

Wanna play?
A photo by Alfredo Cristinziano.

Optimus Prime: the younger years.
Xander has more paintings here.