Toy links

Barbiemus Prime.
An entry for Shibamura Prime’s art contest.

A cut above.
A super-articulated Edward Scissorhands custom.

Hannibal King.
“Personally I think that’s about as close as anyone is going to get to making a Hannibal King that actually resembles Ryan Reynolds.”

Right hands of doom.

Cake is the right of all sentient beings. [via]
“The Transformers have been a smash everywhere they go and now they’re here on an energy-charged transformer cake pan kids will love.”

The Many Looks of Optimus Prime.
“From the original animated series to Revenge of the Fallen. and everything in between, these are the looks that have kept Prime on top all these long years.”

Jarreau Wimberly’s G.I. Joe package art.
“I had way too much fun painting these, especially Cobra Commander and Destro.”

Rainbow Warriors.
“Something I’ve always liked about G.I. Joe … is that it took a progressive approach to things like race and gender …”

The Fall of the Revengers.
“… when audiences feel hammered down by a film, they are less likely to fall for another marketing campaign.”

Transformers: the gaming legacy.
“It always struck me as strange that we never saw much in the way of Transformers games back in the day, but in retrospect it makes sense.”

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