Toy links

Dark Bringer.
Jarknoid XO gets an appropriately modified Barrels Speeder thanks to moromisox. (Click on the photo for a better look.)

Assemble Oni.
A multi-armed Assemble Borg Jarknoid creation. (Click on the photo for a better look.)

RoyalCollector used a Charmed Paige figure to give the 2003 Masters of the Universe figure additional posability.

M.A.R.S.’ god of war.
“I recently cracked open the new Destro figure. Cool but not quite cool enough for my tastes.”

Joe Wave.
These G.I. Joe/Transformers crossovers are getting weirder.

A misodrill Microman custom with Revoltech and Daigunder Despecter parts.

Another Busou Shinki fanmode by Yuu-yui.

Loved by good, feared by evil.
Digirama by Jason Miller.

Woo hoo!
Tragically, moments later, a pair of proton torpedoes …

A colony of B.A.T.s.
Photos by Harry Hendriks.

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