Toy links

I am Joe’s innards.
A photo by vagner. (See also.)

Kikaida 01.
“… a Cyborg 99 base body with parts from the Medicom R.A.H. figure. Custom chrome innards in the arms and legs are kitbashed from some Microman figures.”

Usagi Yojimbo.
A custom of Stan Sakai’s character.

“Optimal Past/Prime Future.”
“I repainted this Voyager Prime with the G1 colors, plus I kitbashed a gun and smokestacks to make him look more accurate.” (See also.)

The future of law enforcement.
A Stikfas custom by Phil Ashby.

Planet M&M’s.
My God, it’s full of candies.

Play porta-potty.
When you gotta go …

G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra: the game.
“… as we were combing through some of the reference sent to us by Hasbro, we stumbled upon blueprints for a modern day version of the H.I.S.S. tank that had never been manufactured as a toy.”

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