Toy links
Denjin Zaborger.
A very cool 1/18-scale transforming custom by basil. (Thanks for the link, s.a.!)
Frame action.
A highly posable Lego MOC by optimus-convoy.
Walking machine.
A Microman-sized Asoblock creation by Gun0826.
Barrels Sucker.
Mr. P gets domestic with this amusing Assemble Borg fanmode. (Click on the image for a better look.)
A cool shot by atjoe1972 of a Rattler in flight.
Toy movie concepts.
“… I challenged Slate readers to come up with their own movie titles and tag lines based on a toy from their youth. And you rose to the occasion like a Jenga set.”
Robert Bradford’s toy art.
“The father-of-two got so sick of discarding his kids’ unwanted toys that he decided to make good use of them, and now sells his creations – each containing up to 3,000 toys – for up to £12,000 each.” (See also.)