Toy links tagged "art"
Art by Matt Kaufenberg.
“… the ultimate princess toy from another castle.”
A Xevoz-inspired design by Steven Tze. (See also.)
“2 years ago, my brothers (being Playmobil fanatics) mentioned that I should design some Chinese themed- set for Playmobil …”
Doc Terror.
Art by Luke E. Denby.
Of ‘sharks and ‘hawks.
Fantastic art by Nelson Dániel.
“One of my favorite Masters of the Universe!”
Robots in disguise … the early days.
Art by jonah block.
Sight beyond sight.
Fantastic Thundercats art by Ritchie. (See also.)
Remnants of childhood.
“I became enamored by the idea of painting toys that had been lovingly, and thoroughly, used up.”
Transformers Animated Streetwise.
Art by D.H. (See also.)