Toy links tagged "art"
Art by Edward A. Arnold.
Optimus Wall.
Graffiti in Queens, New York.
“… I wanted it to represent someone in my life that means a lot to me …”
Livio Ramondelli’s Optimus Prime.
“This one means a lot to me …”
Art in Rio de Janeiro.
Art by suppa-rider.
Skin art by Holly Hoy. (Related.)
The Spaceknight.
Art by Tom Whalen in tribute to Bill Mantlo.
Keep your foot off that blasted samophlange.
Art by Austin L. Brooks.
Tomica + sushi = tommy sushi.
“The juxtapositions of such recognizable, yet unlikely objects, creates visual discrepancies that seem to reconnect one with the spiritual, like a Zen koan.” Good god. (Thanks for the link, samuel!)