Toy links tagged "MOC"
Unicorn Gundam.
A Lego MOC by Johnny Tang.
Lego Crashers.
Castle Crashers’ Red Knight in Lego form. (See also.)
Medium Armor Mechs.
“… my initial bionicle mech concept. These are all meant to hold a 3 3/4 inch action figure.”
Lego Genesis Evangelion.
Lego MOCs by Johnny Tang.
Green Army Bot. [via]
A Lego MOC constructed with parts from the 7595 Army Men on Patrol set.
Getter Lego.
A Johnny Tang creation.
“… the german Battleship Moltke (a modified Bismarck) and the british battleship Lancaster (a modified King Georg V battleship).” (See also.)
Airwolf. [via]
A Lego MOC by J.
RX-78-2 Gundam. [via]
A neat Lego MOC by t. (Last shot.)
Desk Crawling Battle Machine.
“For destroying invading Clutter.” (More.)