Toy links tagged "photo"
El Rey de la Noche.
A photo by Adrián Limón.
It’s a delightful day to … exterminate, exterminate.
A photo by Johnson Cameraface.
“… off her face on Meth with a purse full of cash …”
A photo by Zelevol.
Ol’ Blue Eye.
A photo by Super Agent Steve.
Gizmo_Tracer’s Beast Wars Animated.
“This one’s based on Uncanny X-Men 136 …” (See also.)
Times change, toy tech improves but fools will always be simply pitied.
A photo by skipthefrogman.
The words no Decepticon wanted to hear: “Dinobots, merge!” (More.)
“Who would’ve known that I would end up designing G.I. Joe toys years later.”
A photo by Raven.